By registering for an Clear Traffic 4 U account you agree that you have read these terms, understand them, and agree to be bound by them.
Clear Traffic 4 U is an honest Traffic Exchange and We Expect the same of our members.
Using false info is grounds for immediate suspension.
Unless you received prior permission from Clear Traffic 4 U, you may only register for one Clear Traffic 4 U account.
You may not signup and then delete your account just to get a special or OTO.
If you delete your account today you will need to wait 30 days before signing up again.
You may not promote Clear Traffic 4 U in a way that could be considered spamming.
You may only promote your referral URL and/or other promotional material in other traffic exchanges or advertising programs that allow it.
Promoting Clear Traffic 4 U in a way that could be considered spamming will result in removal of your Clear Traffic 4 U account and possible legal action.
NOTE: Clear Traffic 4 U may suspend any membership it deems harmful to the other members in any way at any time and without notice.
Users are completely responsible for the content they promote using Clear Traffic 4 U.
Users are responsible for ensuring they have the rights to promote a URL, and any content it contains.
Clear Traffic 4 U is not responsible if a user is in violation of another legal agreement, copyright infringement, or any other issues.
* You agree to maintain a functioning e-mail address in your profile.
One autoresponse message from your account is grounds for your account to be deleted.
* By signing up as a member at Clear Traffic 4 U you are agreeing to receive notifications from admin
regarding offers, deals and member information and/or advice.
Unsubscribing from mails will be understood by admin as a request to delete your account.
Members who have not signed into their account in over 365 days will be deleted (this allows us to clean up unused accounts)
Reporting any email from Clear Traffic 4 U or Admin as spam is an automatic Account Deletion.
*Use your Real Name when signing up, all others
(example= 1254158 or makiybfbehyg) will be deleted and no refunds will be given due to breach of terms.
*No usernames that only contain numbers or are not a real word
(example= 1254158 or makiybfbehyg) these will be deleted and no refunds will be given due to breach of terms.
* Choose your Real Country we do check your IP.
If your IP does not match the country in your Profile Your account will be suspended.
* Clear Traffic 4 U is an Honest Traffic Exchange and We Expect the same of our members.
Using false info is grounds for immediate suspension.
*Clear Traffic 4 U has the full right to delete any Member that uses inappropriate or questionable names.
*Gravatars must be profesional.
*If we question your membership then you may need to show a valid ID to continue membership.
Before submitting a URL to Clear Traffic 4 U, please read these rules very carefully and make sure your URL does not violate any of them.
If you violate any of these rules, your site will be deleted along with any Ad Views assigned to them. Your Clear Traffic 4 U account may also be deleted.
*All Sites must be in English.
*CT4U will be allowing Co-op's. Clear Traffic 4 U, nor its owner will not be held liable for any program you submit that is shown in surf.
*No 2 members can advertise a site using the same referral id.
*No Prompts to download files.
*No sites with illegal activity.
*No frame-breaking sites.
*No viruses, trojans, or spyware.
*No adult content.(porn,Drugs, anything with an age limit.)
*No HYIPs or "investment autosurfs". These are illegal in most countries, including the United States.
*No PTP sites.
*No Cyclers
*No Gambling sites
*No Revenue Share Sites
*No Cash Gifting Sites (AKA Member to Member payments or 100% commission.)
*No Banner Farms(Sites Or Pages that show more than 10 banners on a single page)
*No Text Ad Farms(Sites Or Pages that show more than 10 Text ads on a single page)
*No Advertising Site that pays on more than one level.
*No Site that triggers my security will be allowed.
*No bitly, tinyurl,, adfly, google, or any other url shortener.
(These are often used to spread Virus's and Malware.)
These will be deleted and any Ad Views assigned will be lost.
*No tracker that has random ads in the footer, or topbar. (These rotators often show ads to sites that violate the terms.)
*Clear Traffic 4 U has the full right to delete any site that it feels is inappropriate or questionable.
*Rotators may be promoted by paid members only.
There can only be 5 sites per rotator and all sites in rotation must comply with our terms.
If there are more than 5 sites added to any rotator it will be suspended or deleted. If deleted you will lose all ad views assigned.
NOTE: If a rotator you submit ever has a site that shows any site that breaks our terms, it will eventually be found and suspended.
When using our chat service you agree to use the same user name as your user name here at Clear Traffic 4 U.
You agree to be nice to others (No bad talking of any kind for any reason)
No Drama, this is an Advertising site. keep your drama at home!
Clear Traffic 4 Uuses third party payment processors for taking payments and we are not part of the Payment Processors company nor can we accept any loss or damage for their use. For this reason we do not store any payment info and all payments are collected via the processor and our scripts alerted to update your account.
If you have any issue with any purchase from Clear Traffic 4 U please submit us a support ticket and we will try to work with you to come to a satisfactory conclusion. Initiating a chargeback, refund request, not as described or item not received dispute without first contacting us using our support desk and giving us 5 days to reply will result in immediate suspension of your account. Those are not ways to mutually resolve issues and should only be used as a last result for example awol admin for a long period of time. Having your account removed for breach of these terms may also result in the loss of your accounts at all sites associated with us as well as selected other sites that we work with to share false dispute information and bad practices.
We do not offer refunds on subscriptions, Ad Views purchases or any amount in your piggy bank. These things are non returnable.
Clear Traffic 4 U is an advertising service, we offer a free, and an upgraded service. Free members also receive rewards while surfing that can be used for upgrades. Free members can use the monies added to piggy bank (for on site only upgrades) and is not paid out as a cash reward. Free members can use our services to promote websites, services or affiliate links to other products that meet our terms and conditions. Free members may also use our free online tools to bring in new referrals to help grow their advertising network. Upgraded members will get a 25% commissions kickback for every new upgraded member they bring to Clear Traffic 4 U. At this time commissions are paid out once a month when a member has been upgraded for more than 30 days. (see details in your members area) Starting December 1, 2021 we have started Baby Doge Rewards Program.
All members will now receive 1 Baby Doge for every click with no limits. (must be qualified - see details in members area).
Clear Traffic 4 U Does not provide Guarantees of traffic amounts or frequency of visits to your advertising.
Members: Almost all participants advertise sites, products and or services. You may assume they may get compensated for each sale, signup or purchase. Almost everyone using this site to promote hopes the same. Compensation for efforts expended, commissions - whatever the term - are the responsibility of the site or possibly the promoter - NOT Clear Traffic 4 U. We of Clear Traffic 4 U are not responsible for any other site's terms, payments, promises or claims of any nature.
Clear Traffic 4 U has full authority to change, modify any and /or all of these terms at it's discretion.